Chronic Stress in Adolescents: Sources, Influencing factors and Interventions
DOI: 10.23977/aetp.2021.56029 | Downloads: 21 | Views: 1195
Zhou Xingyu 1
1 Zhejiang Ivy International Academy
Corresponding Author
Adolescents are in a special stage with the rapid development of both physical and mental. In this stage, adolescents are inevitably faced with various stressors, especially some long-standing chronic stress, which will have a great impact on their health. It is important to pay attention to the sources of chronic stress and the related physiological and mental health problems the chronic stress caused in adolescents. This paper analyzes the chronic stressors that adolescents are most likely to face, that is, academic stress and social stress, and summarizes the effects of these stress on physical and mental health. Adolescents are prone to psychological symptoms under chronic stress, and even their physical health will be damaged. Based on this, some studies have tried to use different methods to intervene, which might play a positive role in adolescents' mental health.
adolescent, chronic stress, academic stress, social stressCITE THIS PAPER
Zhou Xingyu. Chronic Stress in Adolescents: Sources, Influencing factors and Interventions. Advances in Educational Technology and Psychology (2021) 5: 179-183. DOI:
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