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Research on Supplier Based on Dynamic Weighted Comprehensive Evaluation

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DOI: 10.23977/agrfem.2021.040110 | Downloads: 19 | Views: 1297


Mingquan Xian 1, Juguang Ren 1, Tianjun Li 1, Haibing Liu 1, Chong Liu 1


1 Institute of Engineering and Technology, Chengdu University of Technology, Leshan, Sichuan, 614000

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Mingquan Xian


In this paper, a comprehensive evaluation model based on dynamic weighting is proposed, which can evaluate suppliers in real time and efficiently. The research of this problem can provide more effective suggestions for enterprise management, help enterprises to reduce costs and obtain higher benefits. Firstly, this paper preprocesses, analyzes and mines the given data, and selects the evaluation index from the perspective of the supplier's supply characteristics. This paper uses the average enterprise response, market share, cooperation density, and standard deviation. As the supply characteristic indicator, calculate the score of 402 suppliers, considering that the weight of the evaluation indicator changes with the actual situation, this paper establishes based on Dynamic weighted comprehensive evaluation model.


dynamic weighting, supplier evaluation, supply chain analysis


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