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Research on the Influence Mechanism of New Media Users' Perceived Value on Sticky Behavior

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DOI: 10.23977/agrfem.2021.040109 | Downloads: 68 | Views: 2078


Shihu Zou 1


1 College of Business Administration, Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics, Nanchang, P.R.C.

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Shihu Zou


Under the background of "Internet plus" deepening and the whole industry informatization, the time for the integration of new media and industry has gradually matured. As a new form of communication with the Internet as the carrier, new media has incomparable advantages compared with traditional media. One of its basic characteristics is strong interaction. Using the new media platform to interact with users has become a new channel for many enterprises or organizations to understand users' needs and obtain the laws of consumption behavior. It not only brings new opportunities and challenges to enterprises and organizations, but also brings many topics for the research of users' information dissemination, management, mining and analysis. Based on sor theory, taking short video applications in the context of the Internet as an example, based on the original stimulus organism response model and combined with the perceived value theory, this paper analyzes the influencing factor model of short video application user perceived value on user stickiness, and discusses the impact of various value dimensions of short video applications on user stickiness, Finally, management suggestions for new media applications are put forward: increase user interaction to strengthen social attributes; Enrich content to enhance entertainment; Continuously motivate users to increase their sense of achievement; Improve the user privacy information protection mechanism, so as to increase user stickiness.


New media, Perceived value, Viscous behaviour, Case analysis


Shihu Zou. Research on the Influence Mechanism of New Media Users' Perceived Value on Sticky Behavior. Agricultural & Forestry Economics and Management (2021) Vol. 4: 45-54. DOI:


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