A Study on Badminton Teaching and Training Methods in Vocational Colleges
DOI: 10.23977/jhms.2021.020316 | Downloads: 68 | Views: 2127
Haijun Zeng 1, Yi Xiao 2
1 Loudi Vocational and Technical College, Loudi 417000, Hunan, China
2 Loudi Xiaoxiang Vocational College, Loudi 417000, Hunan, China
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Now, the level of economic development of China is being significantly improved. Therefore, people's living standards have also been greatly improved and more and more people are beginning to pay attention to their physical fitness. As a result, sports have received widespread attention. As a student, we must pay attention to physical fitness and we strengthen physical exercise outside of class. While cultivating children's professional skills, vocational colleges should also strengthen the training of children's physical fitness. This article mainly analyzes the strengthening of badminton teaching in the teaching process of higher vocational colleges to promote the cultivation of students' physical fitness.
Vocational colleges, Badminton teaching, Training methods, ResearchCITE THIS PAPER
Haijun Zeng,Yi Xiao. A Study on Badminton Teaching and Training Methods in Vocational Colleges. Journal of Human Movement Science (2021) 2: 81-84. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.23977/jhms.2021.020316.
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