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Research on Problems and Countermeasures in Taekwondo Teaching and Training in Colleges and Universities

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DOI: 10.23977/jhms.2021.020315 | Downloads: 10 | Views: 1317


Wang Xiaohong 1, Lv hui 1


1 College of Physical Education , Shanxi University, 030006, Taiyuan, China

Corresponding Author

Lv hui


With the continuous development of sports in recent years, the college sports curriculum has also undergone some new updates and developments, and many new subjects and sports have been added. Taekwondo is one of them. Taekwondo has received a lot of support and attention to a certain extent since joining the university sports, and many students choose to study Taekwondo. But as far as the development of the Taekwondo course is concerned, there are also many problems in Taekwondo. For example, the lack of attention to Taekwondo in schools, the inadequacy of Taekwondo related equipment and the lack of professional Taekwondo teachers to teach and other problems have hindered the development of Taekwondo in colleges and universities.


Colleges and universities physical education, Taekwondo, Teaching strategies


Wang Xiaohong,Lv hui. Research on Problems and Countermeasures in Taekwondo Teaching and Training in Colleges and Universities. Journal of Human Movement Science (2021) 2: 76-80. DOI:


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