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Research on the Development of Sports Music from the Perspective of Olympic Theme Song

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DOI: 10.23977/jhms.2021.020307 | Downloads: 17 | Views: 1568


Na Zhou 1


1 School of Music, Shanxi University, Taiyuan, 030006, Shanxi, China

Corresponding Author

Na Zhou


As one of the most important sports music, the theme song of the Olympic Games is of great significance in the development of sports music, this paper analyzes the correlation and relevant situation of the Olympic music, discusses the relationship between sports and music and the Olympic Games and music, and makes a certain summary of the development characteristics of sports music, the implications of post-development are profound.


Sports music, Olympic music, Development


Na Zhou. Research on the Development of Sports Music from the Perspective of Olympic Theme Song. Journal of Human Movement Science (2021) 2: 36-39. DOI:


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