The Influence of Faculty Professionalism of Social Art Training Teachers on Professional Dedication
DOI: 10.23977/aduhe.2021.030108 | Downloads: 4 | Views: 1203
Bojia Gu 1, Baiyan Du 1
1 Graduate School of Sehan University, Chonnam, 58447, Korea
Corresponding Author
The purpose of this research is to study the overall status of the faculty professionalism and professional dedication of the current social art training teachers and reveal the relationship between them. To this end, a questionnaire survey of 68 music teachers and 30 art teachers from 5 social art training schools in Northeast China was conducted. The conclusions are as follows. First, the faculty professionalism and professional dedication of teachers in social art training schools are generally at a middle level, but professional autonomy, service mission, professional awareness, and enthusiasm are at the middle and lower level; Second, faculty professionalism positively correlates with professional dedication. That is to say, the higher the faculty professionalism, the higher the level of professional dedication; Third, the faculty professionalism will significantly positively affect professional dedication. The professional autonomy has the highest impact on professional dedication, followed by intellectual skills and a sense of service mission. It can be seen that the professional autonomy of teachers causes the best motivation for professional dedication.
Social art training, Art teacher, Faculty professionalism, Professional dedicationCITE THIS PAPER
Bojia Gu, Baiyan Du. Emotional Regulation and Evaluation Analysis of Its Influence on Students' Academic Work. Adult and Higher Education (2021) 3: 41-49. DOI:
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