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Comparing AI Media and Traditional Media: A Frame Analysis of NewsGPT and Reuters Coverage of the 2024 Olympic Game

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DOI: 10.23977/mediacr.2024.050328 | Downloads: 15 | Views: 188


Wenxin Nie 1


1 The College of Literature and Journalism, Sichuan University, Chengdu, Sichuan, China

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Wenxin Nie


The "liquid" nature of journalism has become more pronounced with the impact of artificial intelligence, disrupting traditional news production models. This study employs a three-level frame analysis method to examine the 2024 Olympic coverage of NewsGPT, the world's first news website entirely generated by AI, and Reuters, a traditional media outlet. The findings reveal notable similarities in news topics and structures, while highlighting significant differences in the portrayal of individuals and discourse tendencies. This research further explores the performance of AI and traditional media in terms of journalistic professionalism, aiming to provide insights for the better development of traditional media in the face of AI's impact.


Frame Analysis, NewsGPT, Reuters, Olympic Game


Wenxin Nie, Comparing AI Media and Traditional Media: A Frame Analysis of NewsGPT and Reuters Coverage of the 2024 Olympic Game. Media and Communication Research (2024) Vol. 5: 198-204. DOI:


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