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The Effect of Social Media Marketing Credibility on Consumer Behavior: Mediating Role Based on Consumer Attitude

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DOI: 10.23977/mediacr.2024.050311 | Downloads: 56 | Views: 580


Gu Xue 1,2, Rosidah Binti Musa 1


1 City Graduate School, City University Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
2 Faculty of Management and Law, Baicheng Normal University, Baicheng, Jilin Province, China

Corresponding Author

Gu Xue


In order to solve the problem of social media marketing credibility, based on the questionnaire survey data, regression analysis is used to test the mediating effect, and the empirical analysis of the mechanism of social media marketing credibility affecting users' purchase behavior through the mediating effect of media audience attitude. The results show that the credibility of video content, platform credibility and brand credibility have a positive and significant impact on consumer behavior. Consumer attitudes play a mediating role in the positive effect of video content credibility, platform credibility, and brand credibility on consumer behavior. 


Social Media Marketing Credibility, Consumer Behavior, Consumer Attitude


Gu Xue, Rosidah Binti Musa, The Effect of Social Media Marketing Credibility on Consumer Behavior: Mediating Role Based on Consumer Attitude. Media and Communication Research (2024) Vol. 5: 69-76. DOI:


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