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Cooperative Principle in the Verbal Humor of Two Broke Girls

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DOI: 10.23977/langl.2024.070601 | Downloads: 6 | Views: 146


Zheyuan Zhang 1, Liang Yingxin 1, Zeng Fanping 1


1 University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, 50603, Malaysia

Corresponding Author

Zheyuan Zhang


The aim of this research is to explore how the violation of Grice's Cooperative Principle (CP) achieves verbal humor by analyzing Two Broke Girls. The study uses a qualitative research method to analyze these discourses and conversations from the first episode of the first season of Two Broke Girls and answer the following research questions. Which CP are violated to achieve verbal humor in Two Broke Girls? How can verbal humor be achieved by violating the CP in Two Broke Girls? It was found that verbal humor can be produced in dialogue by violating four maxims of CP. That can have a humorous effect that amuses and delights the audience. It needs to be cautious when applying the CP to achieve verbal humor in different cultural contexts. The study not only provides new perspectives for applying the CP, but also provides a reference for the study of verbal humor in cross-cultural communication.


Cooperative Principle, Verbal Humor, Two Broke Girls


Zheyuan Zhang, Liang Yingxin, Zeng Fanping, Cooperative Principle in the Verbal Humor of Two Broke Girls. Lecture Notes on Language and Literature (2024) Vol. 7: 1-5. DOI:


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