Teaching Reading for English as a Foreign Language Learners: Insights from Psychological and Social Perspectives
DOI: 10.23977/appep.2024.050425 | Downloads: 13 | Views: 170
Zhiyi Zhu 1
1 College of Humanities and Education, Guangdong Ocean University, Yangjiang, China
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This paper explores strategies for teaching reading to English as a Foreign Language (EFL) learners, with a focus on psychological and social perspectives. The target students discussed are second-year Chinese university students majoring in Computer and Engineering. While they demonstrate good discipline and cooperation, they lack social experiences, practical English output abilities, cognitive processes and background knowledge. This paper highlights key factors that influence reading, such as motivation and prior experiences, and emphasizes the necessity of connecting classroom activities with real-world experiences. The chosen teaching material NEW HORIZONS III (4th edition) centres on workplace topics and aligns with language, content and social justice objectives. The teaching practices involve pre-class, in-class, and post-class activities designed to activate interest, impart linguistic and content knowledge and assess learning outcomes. The paper aims to cultivate students' positive work values, cross-cultural understanding and critical thinking skills through a comprehensive and practical approach to reaching instruction.
Teaching Reading; EFL; Social Justice; Teaching Practices; ReadingCITE THIS PAPER
Zhiyi Zhu, Teaching Reading for English as a Foreign Language Learners: Insights from Psychological and Social Perspectives. Applied & Educational Psychology (2024) Vol. 5: 173-176. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.23977/appep.2024.050425.
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