The Practical Research on the Core Literacy of English Subject in the English Reading Class of Senior High School
DOI: 10.23977/aetp.2021.53016 | Downloads: 104 | Views: 2181
Meng Ding 1, Jing Zhao 2
1 Daye Second Middle School, Xuefu Road, Jinniu Town, Daye City, Hubei Province, China
2 College of Foreign Language Studies, Hubei Normal University, 11 Cihu Road, Huangshi, Hubei, China
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The discussion about the core literacy of high school students has quickly become one of the hot topics in the education circle. The core literacy of the English subject has promoted the reform process of English teaching in high schools in our country to a certain extent. However, due to many uncontrollable factors, such as the outdated English reading teaching model, and this model is difficult to be changed in a short time, there are still several problems in the current high school English reading classroom teaching design. Therefore, it is necessary to conduct research on this aspect. This article mainly uses research methods such as survey analysis, qualitative analysis, and quantitative analysis to conduct experiments. First, it studies the core literacy of the English subject, and second, analyzes the current situation of high school English classroom reading and the degree of core literacy used in the reading class. The results show that 85% of students spend less than 4 hours in English reading per week. In their daily study life, the time spent on English reading is very limited. 1% of high school students believe that the implementation of core literacy in English reading classrooms is generally effective. Therefore, it is particularly important to apply the core literacy of English subjects to high school English reading.
Core Literacy of English Subject, High School English, Teaching of Extracurricular ReadingCITE THIS PAPER
Meng Ding, Jing Zhao. The Practical Research on the Core Literacy of English Subject in the English Reading Class of Senior High School. Advances in Educational Technology and Psychology (2021) 5: 112-118. DOI:
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