Tripartite Game Analysis of Zunyi Pepper Industry Chain Based on Game Theory
DOI: 10.23977/agrfem.2024.070103 | Downloads: 25 | Views: 631
Langsha Tu 1
1 Tianjin Agricultural University, Tianjin, China
Corresponding Author
Zunyi is a very important pepper producing area in China today, and the pepper industry plays a very important role in local economic development and farmers' income increase. However, in the current pepper industry chain, the interest connection between leading enterprises, intermediary organizations and farmers is not close, and contradictions and conflicts occur from time to time. This situation seriously hinders the healthy and sustainable development of the chili industry in Zunyi, and poses a threat to the stability and growth of farmers' income. This article is based on the framework of game theory, and analyzes the interest linkage mode of Zunyi pepper leading enterprises, intermediary organizations and farmers. The paper summarized the problems existing in the current pepper industry chain, and put forward the corresponding solutions, in order to promote the development of Zunyi pepper industry and increase the interests of farmers to provide theoretical reference and practical guidance.
Game Theory, Zunyi City, Chili Peppers, Interest Linkage ModelCITE THIS PAPER
Langsha Tu, Tripartite Game Analysis of Zunyi Pepper Industry Chain Based on Game Theory. Agricultural & Forestry Economics and Management (2024) Vol. 7: 17-21. DOI:
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