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Analysis of Management and Operation Models of Leisure Agriculture and Rural Tourism

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DOI: 10.23977/agrfem.2024.070101 | Downloads: 101 | Views: 1008


Lingling Shao 1


1 Wuhan Guanggu Vocational College, Wuhan, Hubei, 430074, China

Corresponding Author

Lingling Shao


In the development strategy of rural industries, the organic integration of agriculture and tourism has become an innovative and effective development model. By leveraging the unique advantages of agricultural resources and rural ecological environment, a new tourism format integrating sightseeing, experience, entertainment, and education is created. This "agriculture+tourism" development model not only expands the sources of income for farmers and improves their economic benefits, but also integrates agricultural production, entertainment, and education. The organic combination of rural life and natural landscapes has effectively promoted the transformation of rural industrial structure from a single traditional agriculture to a diversified and composite industrial structure, achieving industrial upgrading. This article mainly explores the management models of leisure agriculture and rural tourism, analyses the current situation of their combination, and proposes measures to optimize the management models of leisure agriculture and rural tourism. The aim is to continuously promote the optimization and upgrading of rural industrial structure, enhance the attractiveness of rural agricultural tourism, and contribute to rural revitalization.


Leisure Agriculture, Rural Tourism, Business Management, Tourism Brand


Lingling Shao, Analysis of Management and Operation Models of Leisure Agriculture and Rural Tourism. Agricultural & Forestry Economics and Management (2024) Vol. 7: 1-5. DOI:


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