The application and development of digital twin in mulberry sericulture
DOI: 10.23977/agrfem.2023.060410 | Downloads: 25 | Views: 707
Jihua Ye 1, Cuiru Zhou 1, Huicong Tao 1, Guangyi Chen 1, Lilin Huang 1, Manping Qin 1, Yong Qin 1
1 Hechi University, Hechi, China
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The method of mulberry silkworm breeding has gradually evolved from manual empirical breeding to intelligent and factory farming as artificial intelligence technology has advanced. This paper discusses the current state of mulberry sericulture, as well as the basic concept, application prospect, industrial technology, and existing research results of digital twin technology for complex silkworm house environment monitoring system. The application and development of digital twinning technology in silkworms' culture can not only improve the efficiency and yield of silkworm's culture, but also provide technical support for industrial upgrading and development. Finally, this paper summarizes the digital twin technology system, key technology, technology application, and challenges for complex silkworm house environment monitoring system, and provide an outlook on the application of digital twin in mulberry sericulture.
Digital twin, mulberry sericulture, twin interaction, digital visualizationCITE THIS PAPER
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