Evaluation and optimization path of Inner Mongolia private economy development efficiency
DOI: 10.23977/agrfem.2023.060409 | Downloads: 11 | Views: 600
Kun Zhao 1, Dhakir Abbas Ali 1, Abhijit Ghosh 1, Joo Jie Ching 2
1 Faculty of Business and Accountancy, Lincoln University College, Selangor, 47301, Malaysia
2 Centre of Postgraduate Studies, Lincoln University College, Selangor, 47301, Malaysia
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Abhijit GhoshABSTRACT
Improving the development efficiency of private economy is of great significance to the realization of common prosperity and high-quality economic development in Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region. This paper selects 9 cities in Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region and uses data envelopment analysis (DEA) to evaluate the development efficiency of private economy in Inner Mongolia from four aspects: comprehensive efficiency, pure technical efficiency, scale efficiency and input redundancy. In 2020, the average value of the overall efficiency of private economic development in the 9 league cities in Inner Mongolia is 0.956, which is not fully effective. Among them, the overall efficiency of 7 league cities is 1 and fully effective, and the pure technical efficiency and scale efficiency of the other 2 league cities affect the comprehensive efficiency at the same time, but there is still room for improvement. The main reason affecting the development of private economy is input redundancy, which exists in the independent accounting of the number of industrial enterprises, enterprise current assets, fixed assets and inventory by private enterprises above designated size. Therefore, the amount of enterprise assets and inventory input should be reasonably controlled. At the same time, it is recommended that each alliance city actively adjust the structure of the private economy, based on national macro policies and industry requirements, continuously improve resource utilization, increase levels of technological investment.
Private economy; Efficiency evaluation; Path optimization; Inner Mongolia Autonomous RegionCITE THIS PAPER
Kun Zhao, Dhakir Abbas Ali, Abhijit Ghosh, Joo Jie Ching, Evaluation and optimization path of Inner Mongolia private economy development efficiency . Agricultural & Forestry Economics and Management (2023) Vol. 6: 65-76. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.23977/agrfem.2023.060409.
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