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Investigation on Chinese Function Words and Construction of Generalized Function Word Knowledge Base in Natural Language Processing

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DOI: 10.23977/langl.2023.061705 | Downloads: 13 | Views: 527


Lin Yang 1, Mengyang Yu 1


1 School of Computer Science and Technology, North University of China, Taiyuan, Shanxi, China

Corresponding Author

Lin Yang


The study of function words in Chinese has a long history and has achieved fruitful results. However, most of the existing research on function words is human-centered, and it is difficult to avoid subjective and vague description of the character characteristics of function words. Therefore, it is difficult to apply it directly to the research of Natural Language Processing (NLP). From the perspective of computational linguistics, and combined with the existing literature and the People’s Daily of part of speech tagging and its corpus, this paper aimed to provide some scientific basis for the use of function words in Chinese. This paper mainly explains the theory and method of conjunctions and phrases in Chinese function words. This paper integrated, proofread and identified Chinese function words through various kinds of dictionary corpus, and the knowledge base was constructed. By comparing the two preprocessing models in NLP, this paper mainly compared the function word recognition rate, text, grammar, semantics, lexical resolution, and the amount of training text data. The results showed that the ELMo model improved the recognition rate of function words by 14.5% compared with NNLM model in the constructed knowledge base, and had a higher understanding of all kinds of grammar and morphology. There would also be more text data for training. However, the NNLM model would be more stable in the amount of training text.


Knowledge Base Construction, Generalized Function Words, Chinese Function Words, Natural Language Processing, ELMo Model, NNLM Model


Lin Yang, Mengyang Yu, Investigation on Chinese Function Words and Construction of Generalized Function Word Knowledge Base in Natural Language Processing . Lecture Notes on Language and Literature (2023) Vol. 6: 26-36. DOI:


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