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An Analysis of Translations of the Little Prince from the Perspective of Reception Aesthetics

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DOI: 10.23977/langl.2023.061701 | Downloads: 321 | Views: 1326


Jingni Jiang 1


1 Department of Foreign Language, Qingdao University of Science and Technology, Qingdao, Shandong, 266011, China

Corresponding Author

Jingni Jiang


This paper adopts the Reception Aesthetics Theory as its framework and focuses on the characteristics of children's literature. It conducts a comprehensive analysis of the English and Chinese translations of The Little Prince, paying particular attention to the aspects of colloquial language and imagery in the translation. The primary objective of this paper is to provide a critical evaluation and appreciation of the translations, while also identifying existing issues and offering suggestions for improvement. By examining how colloquial language and imagery are handled in the translations, the paper aims to shed light on the effectiveness of the translation strategies employed and their impact on the reception of the text by young readers. By offering new perspectives and methods for analyzing and evaluating translations, it aims to enhance the quality and cultural adaptability of translated children's books. By examining the specific challenges and considerations involved in translating children's books, this research aims to contribute to the broader understanding of translation theory and practice.


The Little Prince; Reception Aesthetics; children's literature; appreciation and criticism


Jingni Jiang, An Analysis of Translations of the Little Prince from the Perspective of Reception Aesthetics. Lecture Notes on Language and Literature (2023) Vol. 6: 1-7. DOI:


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