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An Analysis of the Reform of the "Microcontroller Technology" Course in Vocational Colleges

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DOI: 10.23977/curtm.2023.062115 | Downloads: 21 | Views: 365


Xiaofen Pang 1, Xueyuan Wang 2


1 Inner Mongolia Transportation Vocational and Technical College, Chifeng, 024005, China
2 Inner Mongolia Economic and Trade School, Hohhot, 010011, China

Corresponding Author

Xiaofen Pang


In recent years, with the rapid development of technology, the demand for microcontroller applications has been steadily increasing. However, traditional microcontroller courses in vocational colleges face challenges such as inadequate practical skills development and a limited range of teaching content. To enhance students' overall quality and competitiveness in the job market, this paper explores the reform of microcontroller courses in vocational colleges. It begins by analyzing the existing problems in the current courses and proposes key reform measures, including a practical approach, project-driven learning, diverse learning resources, industry collaboration, fostering innovative thinking, interdisciplinary integration, and teacher training, while incorporating ideological and political education into the classroom. By introducing these reform measures, students can better develop their practical skills, innovation awareness, and the ability to adapt to complex work environments, thus enhancing their competitiveness and instilling the correct values in the field of microcontrollers.


Vocational colleges, microcontroller course reform, practical approach, project-driven learning, ideological and political education


Xiaofen Pang, Xueyuan Wang, An Analysis of the Reform of the "Microcontroller Technology" Course in Vocational Colleges. Curriculum and Teaching Methodology (2023) Vol. 6: 91-97. DOI:


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