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Construction and Sustainable Development of Ecological English Classroom Based on Internet Technology

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DOI: 10.23977/aduhe.2023.051903 | Downloads: 12 | Views: 743


Yunqing Yang 1


1 Foreign Languages Department, Chengdu Neusoft University, Chengdu, Sichuan, China

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Yunqing Yang


The ecological English classroom is in the form of English teaching, which aims to give students the idea of ecological and environmental friendliness. The ecological English classroom has various teaching forms, which can increase the interest in English learning and integrate the awareness of protecting the ecology and the environment into the learning. This paper aims to use Internet technology to build a more intuitive and effective ecological English classroom. For the construction of ecological English classroom, this paper is based on Internet technology and uses cloud data centers to integrate and transmit ecological resources. This paper is divided into three parts, and it evaluates the students' achievements in three aspects: cooperation and communication ability, problem-solving ability and information literacy. In the experiment, this paper selects two grades of students for testing. The experimental group was taught in the ecological English classroom constructed in this paper, and the control group was taught by the traditional English curriculum. The experimental period was three months. Comparing the scores of the pre-test and post-test, it can be found that the scores of the experimental group and the control group both decreased by 5%. The problem solving ability and information literacy ability of the students in the experimental group increased by 20% and 34% respectively, which were 16% and 36% higher than that of the control group. This shows that the ecological English classroom constructed in this paper can effectively allow students to master the relevant knowledge of ecological, and their own awareness of ecological environmental protection is also continuously strengthened.


Ecological English Class, Classroom Construction, Sustainable Development, Internet Technology


Yunqing Yang, Construction and Sustainable Development of Ecological English Classroom Based on Internet Technology. Adult and Higher Education (2023) Vol. 5: 17-32. DOI:


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