From 'New Taiwan Cinema' to 'World Cinema': A Critical Case Study of Edward Yang's Career
DOI: 10.23977/artpl.2023.041115 | Downloads: 68 | Views: 903
Chen Ronggang 1
1 Department of Media and Communication, London School of Economics and Political Science, London, UK
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Chen RonggangABSTRACT
Edward Yang (1947-2007) made only seven full-length films, but stands as a pivotal figure in Taiwanese cinema and the New Taiwan Cinema movement. This thesis delves into the evolution of Yang's reputation from local innovator to global cinematic icon. It charts his journey, highlighting external forces that transformed his image, such as distribution strategies and global rebranding efforts. Particular attention is given to his 1990s works, like A Brighter Summer Day and Yi-Yi: A One and A Two, which mark critical periods in his career. These films exemplify his integration into international film festivals and the emerging 'world cinema' category.
Edward Yang; New Taiwan Cinema; World CinemaCITE THIS PAPER
Chen Ronggang, From 'New Taiwan Cinema' to 'World Cinema': A Critical Case Study of Edward Yang's Career. Art and Performance Letters (2023) Vol. 4: 96-104. DOI:
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