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Automated Pricing and Replenishment Decisions for Vegetable Items

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DOI: 10.23977/infse.2023.040914 | Downloads: 23 | Views: 599


Mengjia Hou 1


1 College of Economics and Management, Qinghai Minzu University, Xining, Qinghai, China

Corresponding Author

Mengjia Hou


In the fresh food superstore, due to the variety of vegetable commodities, short shelf life, easy to deteriorate, and different origins and transportation methods, and replenishment time is set in the early morning, so the superstore needs to make replenishment decisions in advance. This paper collects the sales data of a supermarket over the past three years, and carries out relevant research on automatic pricing and replenishment decision-making for vegetable commodities. In this paper, we study the relevant distribution law of vegetable varieties and single products, and analyze which categories have a strong correlation between categories. Secondly, an optimization model is constructed to solve the total daily replenishment and the corresponding pricing to obtain the pricing and replenishment strategy of the superstore.


Spearman's Correlation Coefficient, Replenishment Decision, K-means Clustering, Optimization Model, Pricing Strategy


Mengjia Hou, Automated Pricing and Replenishment Decisions for Vegetable Items. Information Systems and Economics (2023) Vol. 4: 105-111. DOI:


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