Quality Risk Contagion Effect of Core Enterprises in Manufacturing Supply Chain
DOI: 10.23977/infse.2021.020101 | Downloads: 8 | Views: 2047
Yan Liang 1, Qiang Liu 1, Yu Guo 2, Ming Liu 1
1 School of Economics and Management, Liaoning University of Technology, Jinzhou, Liaoning, China, 121001
2 School of Economics and Management, Harbin Engineering University, Harbin, Heilongjiang, China, 150001
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The manufacturing supply chain network is intricate, and the relationship between the core enterprises and the node enterprises is cross-cutting. When a certain node or a connection of the manufacturing supply chain network has quality and safety problems, it will inevitably lead to the risk of the manufacturing supply chain. Therefore, this study conducts related study on the quality risk contagion problem of core enterprises in the manufacturing supply chain. This study first conducts an overview study on the effects of quality risk contagion among supply chain node companies, and then discusses the supply chain systemic quality risk contagion. Once again, through CiteSpace, it summarizes and analyzes domestic and foreign literature, and explores domestic and foreign scholars’ understanding of core manufacturing supply chain companies. The quality risk contagion is analyzed by keyword clustering, and finally summarized, in order to obtain the follow-up study direction and key elements.
manufacturing; core enterprises in the supply chain; quality risk contagion effectsCITE THIS PAPER
Yan Liang, Qiang Liu, Yu Guo, Ming Liu, Quality Risk Contagion Effect of Core Enterprises in Manufacturing Supply Chain. Information Systems and Economics (2021) 2: 1-6. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.23977/infse.2021.020101
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