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Web service composition based on improved multi population genetic algorithm

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DOI: 10.23977/jwsa.2021.030102 | Downloads: 18 | Views: 2724


Siyuan Meng 1


1 School of Computer Science of Technology, Shandong University of Technology, Zibo, 255000, China

Corresponding Author

Siyuan Meng


With the development of cloud computing, the improvement of web service standards and the progress of supporting software, more and more web services are published on the Internet. Web service quality aware (QoS) not only requires specific services to complete specific tasks, but also pays more attention to the comprehensive service quality of the whole web service composition. How to select the web service composition with the highest comprehensive QoS in the global is NP hard.In this paper, an improved two population genetic algorithm is proposed, in which a adaptive crossover operator is set in one population and a big mutation operator is set in another population to improve the existing genetic algorithm, so that the algorithm can balance the local search and global search ability.The experimental results show that this algorithm has the advantages of shorter time-consuming and higher accuracy than the general genetic algorithm and the multi-population genetic algorithm, and effectively avoids the defect of effective genes in the population.


Web service composition, multi-population genetic algorithm, QoS, big mutation operator


Siyuan Meng, Web service composition based on improved multi population genetic algorithm. Journal of Web Systems and Applications (2021) 3: 7-14. DOI:


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