The Evolution of the Music Industry in the Digital Age: From Records to Streaming
DOI: 10.23977/jsoce.2023.051002 | Downloads: 1120 | Views: 6303
Xiaorui Guo 1
1 School of Film, Jilin Animation Institute, Changchun, Jilin, 130000, China
Corresponding Author
The music industry has undergone a profound transformation in the digital age, shifting from traditional physical media to digital formats and streaming services. This article provides an overview of this evolution, emphasizing key milestones and trends. It begins by exploring the dominance of physical media, such as vinyl records, cassette tapes, and CDs, and the impact of these formats on music distribution and consumption. The digital revolution is then examined, highlighting the emergence of digital music formats like MP3 and AAC, along with pioneering services like Napster and iTunes that facilitated digital music consumption. The subsequent section discusses the rise of streaming services like Spotify and Apple Music, which have redefined how music is accessed and monetized. In the current landscape, several trends are shaping the music industry, including the integration of artificial intelligence (AI) for music recommendation and composition, blockchain technology for transparent royalty tracking, and the use of non-fungible tokens (NFTs) to tokenize music ownership. Finally, the article speculates on the future of the music industry in the digital era, considering possibilities such as virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) experiences for live performances and the evolving role of social media in music trends and fan engagement. As the music industry continues to adapt to technological advancements and changing consumer preferences, it faces both opportunities and challenges. Navigating these shifts requires collaboration, innovation, and a commitment to fairly compensating artists. The journey of the music industry through the digital age is a dynamic narrative that will continue to unfold in fascinating ways.
Music industry, digital age, physical media, streaming services, digital revolution, AI, blockchain, NFTs, virtual reality, social media, artist compensationCITE THIS PAPER
Xiaorui Guo, The Evolution of the Music Industry in the Digital Age: From Records to Streaming. Journal of Sociology and Ethnology (2023) Vol. 5: 7-12. DOI:
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