Traditional Chinese Arts and Crafts in Visual Communication Design
DOI: 10.23977/artpl.2023.041015 | Downloads: 104 | Views: 997
Peng Bingying 1
1 College of Law & Business, Hubei University of Economics, Wuhan, Hubei, 430205, China
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Peng BingyingABSTRACT
This article explores the manifestation of Chinese traditional arts and crafts in visual communication design. The introduction provides an overview of Chinese traditional arts and crafts. It then highlights the applications of Chinese traditional arts and crafts in visual communication design, including artistic pattern and ornament design, color utilization and color principles, material selection and craftsmanship, as well as the influence of form and style. Furthermore, it discusses the innovation and inheritance in contemporary design, such as the fusion of traditional elements with modern design, the international dissemination and impact of Chinese traditional arts and crafts, and the significance of protecting and inheriting them. Finally, a conclusion is drawn to summarize the content of the article. The exploration of Chinese traditional arts and crafts in visual communication design is of great significance for the inheritance and innovation of traditional elements, as well as the preservation of traditional culture.
Traditional Chinese arts and crafts; visual communication; designCITE THIS PAPER
Peng Bingying, Traditional Chinese Arts and Crafts in Visual Communication Design. Art and Performance Letters (2023) Vol. 4: 97-102. DOI:
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