Identification and Development of Entrepreneurial Opportunities for Social Enterprises—Based on Event System Theory
DOI: 10.23977/ieim.2023.060916 | Downloads: 13 | Views: 685
Xinyu Yao 1
1 Shanghai University, Shanghai, China
Corresponding Author
This study based on event system theory explores how social enterprises use critical events to recognize and develop entrepreneurship opportunities by summing up the response law of social enterprises to critical events. The result shows that, the response process of critical events is generally divided into five stages: event occurrence, public concern, social enterprise action, media promotion and government intervention. The occurrence of critical events provides opportunities for social entrepreneurship, and opportunities recognition and development through social enterprise action. Ultimately, the effective solution of social problems caused by critical events is an important result of the recognition and development of social entrepreneurship opportunities.
Social Enterprise; Identification and development of entrepreneurial opportunities; Event System TheoryCITE THIS PAPER
Xinyu Yao, Identification and Development of Entrepreneurial Opportunities for Social Enterprises—Based on Event System Theory. Industrial Engineering and Innovation Management (2023) Vol. 6: 113-117. DOI:
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