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Exploring the Visual Interaction Design for Eurasia University Library's Digital Twin Model under the Metaverse study

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DOI: 10.23977/jeis.2023.080401 | Downloads: 8 | Views: 422


Xuan Li 1, Yunfei Zhao 1


1 Xi'an Eurasia University, Xi'an, China

Corresponding Author

Xuan Li


This paper explores the development and application of digital twin technology and metaverse in the field of libraries. Digital twin technology blends physical entities with virtual models, allowing for real-time data synchronization, while metaverse creates a new virtual world, providing an immersive and highly interactive online environment. The purpose of this study is to investigate the potential application of metaverse in library services, to enhance their quality and convenience, and to introduce relevant concepts and technologies of digital twin models and metaverse. The design scheme emphasizes the importance of creating virtual library scenarios and designing interactive interfaces. The technical implementation involves the construction of digital twin models and the integration of metaverse platforms, as well as the application of scenarios and case studies, such as online guidance and resource retrieval, and virtual academic activities. This research contributes to the innovative development of the library field, providing new directions and insights for future library services.


Digital twin, metaverse, libraries, visual interaction design, virtual library, immersive experience, integration with metaverse platforms


Xuan Li, Yunfei Zhao, Exploring the Visual Interaction Design for Eurasia University Library's Digital Twin Model under the Metaverse study. Journal of Electronics and Information Science (2023) Vol. 8: 1-6. DOI:


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