Construction of Digital Capability Evaluation Index System for Manufacturing Enterprises
DOI: 10.23977/msom.2023.040512 | Downloads: 76 | Views: 1216
Hui Li 1, Qian Zhou 1
1 College of Management, Shandong University of Technology, Zibo, Shandong, 255000, China
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Currently, with the booming development of the Internet and information tech-nology, the digital economy has become an absolute trend for future economic develop-ment, making the promotion of comprehensive digitalization another important issue in the new journey of building a modern country. Under such circumstances, to rapidly improve the R&D and innovation of manufacturing products as well as overall efficiency, compa-nies must make digitalization strategy the primary strategy for innovation. By analyzing the factors related to digital transformation of manufacturing enterprises, this paper constructs the evaluation index system of digital transformation capability of manufacturing enter-prises from the perspectives of digital technical capability, digital organizational capability and digital output capability. Four indicators of data collection and processing, technical input, data security capability and information system integration are taken as secondary indicators of digital technical capability, four indicators of organizational strategy, organi-zational learning, organizational structure and organizational culture are taken as secondary indicators of digital organizational capability, and two indicators of comprehensive effi-ciency and comprehensive benefit are taken as secondary indicators of digital output capa-bility. This paper applies hierarchical analysis to calculate index weights and carry out the evaluation of digital transformation capability of manufacturing enterprises to provide the-oretical reference for the evaluation of digital transformation capability of enterprises.
Digital transformation, manufacturing enterprises, ability evaluation, index sys-temCITE THIS PAPER
Hui Li, Qian Zhou, Construction of Digital Capability Evaluation Index System for Manufacturing Enterprises. Manufacturing and Service Operations Management (2023) Vol. 4: 86-91. DOI:
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