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Analysis of Application of Mortise and Tenon Joinery Techniques in Modern Industrial Product Design

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DOI: 10.23977/msom.2023.040504 | Downloads: 33 | Views: 780


Nana Zhang 1


1 Sichuan Media University, Chengdu, Sichuan, China

Corresponding Author

Nana Zhang


This analysis explores the application of mortise and tenon joinery techniques in modern industrial product design. It provides an overview of the historical background, advantages, case studies, challenges, and future trends related to utilizing these techniques. The analysis highlights the structural stability, efficient assembly process, and aesthetic appeal offered by mortise and tenon joinery in various industries. Key considerations in implementing these techniques include material compatibility, structural integrity, and production scalability. Additionally, the analysis discusses innovations such as integrating modern technologies and exploring new materials for future advancements in this field.


Mortise and tenon joinery, industrial product design, structural stability, efficient assembly, aesthetic appeal, case studies, challenges, future trends, innovations


Nana Zhang, Analysis of Application of Mortise and Tenon Joinery Techniques in Modern Industrial Product Design. Manufacturing and Service Operations Management (2023) Vol. 4: 29-32. DOI:


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