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Application Scenarios and Practice of Data Science in the Context of Big Data

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DOI: 10.23977/jeis.2023.080304 | Downloads: 4 | Views: 385


Jianwei Ren 1


1 University of Wisconsin-Madison, Seattle, 53711, USA

Corresponding Author

Jianwei Ren


With the development of the Internet, the era of BD (Big Data) is getting closer and closer. A country with mature BD has a future, and many enterprises cannot compete without BD. For example, BD can accurately position people's hobbies, the sales industry or service industry can use BD for precision marketing, and the development trend of BD includes data resource, data science, and the establishment of data alliances. Data science is a specialized discipline, a discipline born in the era of BD. It is at the intersection of statistics, machine learning and domain knowledge, and is an obvious interdisciplinary discipline. With the development of BD, data science must also develop with it. How data science develops and in which scenarios it can be applied remains to be studied. Through the research on BD and its development trend, and the theoretical research and analysis of data science, this paper aims to explore the specific application of data science, a new discipline, and practice it. Experiments have shown that applying data science to filtering spam and malware has a filtering rate of up to 95%. When applied to the sales industry, the predicted results are almost identical to the actual results. It has been confirmed that data science can collect, process, analyze data, and make predictive inferences. Data science can be applied to personalized content, navigation, and other scenarios that require prediction of results.


Big Data, Data Science, Practical Application, Interdisciplinary Disciplines


Jianwei Ren, Application Scenarios and Practice of Data Science in the Context of Big Data. Journal of Electronics and Information Science (2023) Vol. 8: 33-40. DOI:


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