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Investigation on the Impact of the Development of Digital Economy on the Innovation Efficiency of Chinese Small and Medium-sized Board Listed Enterprises

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DOI: 10.23977/ieim.2023.060708 | Downloads: 21 | Views: 766


Jiani Ying 1, Hangwei Xu 1


1 Zhejiang Business Technology Institute, Ningbo, Zhejiang, 315012, China

Corresponding Author

Jiani Ying


With the development of the Digital Economy (abbreviated as DE for convenience), research on the impact of Innovation Efficiency (abbreviated as IE for convenience) on Chinese Small and Medium-sized Board Listed Enterprises (abbreviated as SMBLE for convenience) is constantly improving. The design of IE impact models for Chinese SMBLE based on DEA (Data Envelopment Analysis) is becoming increasingly important. In the entire research on the impact of IE, how to construct key indicators of IE for listed companies is currently a key issue that needs to be urgently addressed. Through the research on DE and Small and Medium-sized Board Enterprises (abbreviated as SMBE for convenience) innovation, as well as the analysis of IE index system of listed enterprises, with the help of the application of DEA and the definition of basic concepts, combined with simulation and questionnaire experiments, the following conclusions were drawn based on the data results: On the basis of the development of the DE, among the six selected factors influencing IE, the enterprise IE after adjusting the development level of the DE had the most significant improvement effect, increasing by 18.2%. The IE improvement effect after the adjustment of technical efficiency and scale efficiency was good, with an increase of 14.7% and 13.8%, respectively. In the questionnaire survey, adjusting the internal governance structure of enterprises could help improve the IE of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SME), indicating that the development level of the DE, technological efficiency, scale efficiency, and internal governance structure of enterprises had a certain impact on IE.


Digital Economy Development, Small and Medium-sized Board Enterprises, Innovation Efficiency, DEA Model


Jiani Ying, Hangwei Xu, Investigation on the Impact of the Development of Digital Economy on the Innovation Efficiency of Chinese Small and Medium-sized Board Listed Enterprises. Industrial Engineering and Innovation Management (2023) Vol. 6: 54-61. DOI:


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