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Forest Fire Protection System Based on LoRa Technology

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DOI: 10.23977/jeis.2023.080302 | Downloads: 41 | Views: 471


Tingting Wang 1


1 College of Artificial Intelligence and Big Data, Zibo Vocational Institute, Zibo, China

Corresponding Author

Tingting Wang


At present, most forest fire prevention systems use 4G base station network communication. When encountering a fire, due to the weak signal of the mountain base station, data transmission cannot be quickly achieved, and the best rescue time for the fire is often missed. We have proposed our solution for this, a forest fire prevention system based on LoRa communication technology. Using various sensor technologies to accurately monitor and collect temperature and humidity, smoke concentration, flame value, etc. in the forest, the data is transmitted to the cloud management system through LoRa communication module networking. Once a fire is detected, the fire point can be accurately located based on the location of the deployed nodes, and the backend system alarm can be triggered. Forest firefighters can also be notified through apps, text messages, and other means.


Sensor, Forest fire prevention, LoRa, Wireless network


Tingting Wang, Forest Fire Protection System Based on LoRa Technology. Journal of Electronics and Information Science (2023) Vol. 8: 5-16. DOI:


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