Research on the Integrated Development of Urban and Rural Commerce and Logistics in Hebei Province
DOI: 10.23977/tmte.2023.060310 | Downloads: 44 | Views: 603
He Xiangshuo 1, Bojin Gu 2
1 Institues of Economics and Administration, North China Electric Power University, No. 619, Yonghuabei Street, Lianchi District, Baoding, Hebei, 071003, China
2 Leicester International College, Dalian University of Technology, Panjin, Liaoning, 124221, China
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He XiangshuoABSTRACT
With the improvement of China's economic level, urban logistics has achieved rapid development, making China the largest area in terms of urban logistics scale. At the same time, the level of rural economy and consumption is also gradually improving, and the development of technology has a profound impact on the rural economy. The continuous growth of e-commerce has made the rural economy increasingly demanding logistics. Developing rural e-commerce by improving rural logistics, thereby promoting rural economic development. Rural logistics distribution is a key link in effectively ensuring the smooth entry of products into the sales market. However, at present, there is a trend of gradually widening disparities in the development of urban and rural commercial logistics, which affects the integration of urban and rural development. This article first analyzes the current situation of urban and rural logistics development, and then takes Hebei Province as an example to analyze the current situation and existing problems of rural logistics distribution. Finally, the design and implementation of rural logistics distribution models are carried out, optimization suggestions are proposed, and design and implementation are carried out.
Urban and rural areas; Commerce and trade; Logistics; IntegrationCITE THIS PAPER
He Xiangshuo, Bojin Gu, Research on the Integrated Development of Urban and Rural Commerce and Logistics in Hebei Province. Tourism Management and Technology Economy (2023) Vol. 6: 81-86. DOI:
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