Research on Customer Experience of Hotel Robot Service in Hangzhou through the Lens of Experience Economy Model
DOI: 10.23977/tmte.2023.060309 | Downloads: 29 | Views: 772
Zhouyi Chen 1, Yafang Bao 1
1 College of Landscape Architecture, Zhejiang Agricultural & Forest University, Hangzhou, China
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This study aims to reveal the key dimensions of customer experience of hotel robot service in China through the lens of Experience Economy Model. Qualitative research was conducted by analyzing 10,024 customer reviews from four typical hotels in Hangzhou. The study extended the traditional dimensions of "entertainment," "escapism," "esthetics," and "education" in the Experience Economy Model to include the dimensions of "facilities," "emotions," and "efficiency." The study not only provides a more complete and systematic description of customer experience of hotel robot service but also has important empirical significance for the application of Experience Economy Model.
Hotel robot service, China, customer experience, Experience Economy Model, HangzhouCITE THIS PAPER
Zhouyi Chen, Yafang Bao, Research on Customer Experience of Hotel Robot Service in Hangzhou through the Lens of Experience Economy Model. Tourism Management and Technology Economy (2023) Vol. 6: 72-80. DOI:
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