Analysis on the Application of Green Ecological Discharge Project Management in SK Hydropower Plant
DOI: 10.23977/ieim.2023.060705 | Downloads: 20 | Views: 665
Hongbin Chang 1, Wenting Tan 2
1 School of Artificial Intelligence, Hezhou University, Hezhou, China
2 Water Resources Bureau of Babu District, Hezhou, China
Corresponding Author
The construction of hydropower engineering projects is a multidisciplinary and complex process. Scientific management of hydropower construction projects is an inevitable requirement for the sustainable and efficient development of enterprises. In view of the construction project of the new green ecological unit of SK Hydropower Plant, this study planned and researched management methods from the perspective of project implementation assurance. Through a field investigation and considering the actual situation of the power plant, this study preliminarily explored the project management of this project from six aspects, including project scheduling applications, building maintenance management, and safety production standardization construction. Management systems were formulated for the three, while the construction organization management, planning and control, mechanical equipment assurance, and construction quality assurance measures were discussed. Finally, the construction safety measures management was elaborated in detail from two aspects of construction safety measures and safety assurance measures. The application research of the project management described above not only ensured the quality of the entire project but also effectively improved the production schedule, laying a solid foundation for this project to become a high-quality endeavor. This research has certain theoretical and practical significance and can provide useful references for the management of other hydropower engineering projects.
Hydropower plant, green ecology, project management, safety productionCITE THIS PAPER
Hongbin Chang, Wenting Tan, Analysis on the Application of Green Ecological Discharge Project Management in SK Hydropower Plant. Industrial Engineering and Innovation Management (2023) Vol. 6: 34-39. DOI:
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