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The current status and future mode of reciprocal film development

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DOI: 10.23977/artpl.2023.040702 | Downloads: 166 | Views: 1752


Kaisen Yang 1,2


1 Institute of Problem Solving, University of Bolton, Manchester, UK
2 Department of Computing, University of Bolton, Manchester, UK

Corresponding Author

Kaisen Yang


In the current film market, the audience is no longer the main consumer group of the film, the audience evaluation standard of the film has changed from "good" to "good", in such a background, interactive film emerge at the historic moment. Interactive films stimulate the audience participation through some means, so as to produce emotions and behaviors related to the film. Interactive movies refer to bring users into the scene through visual, auditory, tactile and other ways, so that users can have more choices and experiences in the process of watching the film. Interactive movies have not been developing for a long time, but in recent years, especially during the epidemic, "cloud viewing" has become a new normal. Therefore, this paper discusses the development status and future mode of interactive film in detail, aiming to provide help for the development of interactive film in China.


Reciprocal film; current development status; future model


Kaisen Yang, The current status and future mode of reciprocal film development. Art and Performance Letters (2023) Vol. 4: 9-13. DOI:


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