The Symbolic Meaning of Color in the Great Gatsby
DOI: 10.23977/artpl.2023.040701 | Downloads: 604 | Views: 3399
Yiran Sun 1
1 Harin University of Commerce, Harbin, China
Corresponding Author
In The Great Gatsby, the author makes full use of various color symbols to deepen the theme of his works. The purpose of this paper is to explain why the color symbol is called the unique literary and artistic technique of The Great Gatsby by analyzing the significance of different colors in the novel. The symbolic meaning of color mainly includes shaping the character, promoting the plot development, reflecting the characteristics of the times, deepening and enriching the theme connotation of the novel. The colors studied are: green, blue, white, yellow, red and grey. These colors reflect the growth and collapse of the American dream in Fitzgerald's works. With the disillusionment of the American dream, the protagonist and the main characters of the novel fall into a tragic ending. The analysis of the protagonist's tragedy in The Great Gatsby also reflects the abolition and unreality of the American dream in the 1920s. It is a kind of satire to the valueless problem of "American Dream" and the blindness of enterprise pursuers.
Symbolism; The Great Gatsby; American DreamCITE THIS PAPER
Yiran Sun, The Symbolic Meaning of Color in the Great Gatsby. Art and Performance Letters (2023) Vol. 4: 1-8. DOI:
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