The Application of Bim Technology in Tendering and Bidding Stage of Construction Projects
DOI: 10.23977/ieim.2023.060702 | Downloads: 879 | Views: 3855
Yuhai Miao 1
1 City Institute, Dalian University of Technology, Dalian, China
Corresponding Author
BIM is an emerging building information technology that has become a hot topic in current construction project research as it is applied to the full lifecycle management of construction projects. In the bidding stage of construction projects, applying it to the bidding stage of construction projects can significantly improve the bidding efficiency of construction projects, make the bidding work more standardized and refined, and better solve the conflicts of interest between the bidding parties. Given the important role of BIM technology in engineering bidding, this article analyzes the functional characteristics of BIM technology and focuses on the specific application of BIM technology in engineering bidding. Taking the Anhui Urban and Rural Planning Exhibition Project as an example, a detailed discussion is conducted on the application of BIM technology in engineering bidding, in order to provide better guidance for engineering bidding work.
Bim technology, Construction projects, Tendering and bidding, Application strategyCITE THIS PAPER
Yuhai Miao, The Application of Bim Technology in Tendering and Bidding Stage of Construction Projects. Industrial Engineering and Innovation Management (2023) Vol. 6: 10-15. DOI:
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