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Digital Maturity Evaluation Study of Manufacturing Companies

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DOI: 10.23977/msom.2023.040402 | Downloads: 27 | Views: 639


Yifan Liu 1, Hui Li 1


1 College of Management, Shandong University of Technology, Zibo, Shandong, 255000, China

Corresponding Author

Yifan Liu


In recent years most manufacturing enterprises are trying their best to develop enterprise digital transformation, and it is important to evaluate the current situation of enterprise digital transformation to analyze the stage of enterprise digital transformation and formulate the enterprise digital transformation policy. Therefore, combined with the current situation of industry development, this paper constructs a digital maturity evaluation system suitable for domestic manufacturing industry, determines the index weights with hierarchical analysis method, and finally evaluates the digital maturity of specific manufacturing enterprises with fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method.


Manufacturing Companies; Digital Maturity; Hierarchical Analysis Method; Fuzzy Integrated Evaluation Method


Yifan Liu, Hui Li, Digital Maturity Evaluation Study of Manufacturing Companies. Manufacturing and Service Operations Management (2023) Vol. 4: 12-17. DOI:


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