Fresh E-Commerce Platform Consumer Status and Market Opportunity Mining Survey-Taking Chongqing as an Example
DOI: 10.23977/msom.2023.040401 | Downloads: 40 | Views: 698
Lu Jiang 1, Ying Guo 1, Wanting Huang 1, Yong Dai 1
1 Chongqing Institute of Engineering, Chongqing, China
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With the economic development and the rapid improvement of national living standards in the Internet society, the consumption level and concept of consumers have also changed. Affected by the traditional consumption habits of residents, the fresh market is mainly based on traditional offline sales. Major e-commerce companies and traditional fresh channels have laid out fresh e-commerce markets. Since the so-called "first year of fresh e-commerce" in 2012, and a large amount of capital has leveraged the market to grow rapidly. However, while the scale is increasing year by year, a series of development bottlenecks inevitably appear in the industry. Therefore, in order to analyze the consumption status and market opportunities behind the fresh food market, based on the results of the questionnaire survey, this paper analyzes the respondents of different genders, ages and occupations to understand their understanding and use of the fresh food e-commerce platform.
Fresh e-commerce, consumer satisfaction, correlation analysis, k-means clustering analysisCITE THIS PAPER
Lu Jiang, Ying Guo, Wanting Huang, Yong Dai, Fresh E-Commerce Platform Consumer Status and Market Opportunity Mining Survey-Taking Chongqing as an Example. Manufacturing and Service Operations Management (2023) Vol. 4: 1-11. DOI:
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