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Clinical Observation on the Treatment of Postpartum Abdominal Pain of Qi Stagnation and Blood Stasis with Muzu Formula Combined with Auricular Point Seed-Pressing

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DOI: 10.23977/medsc.2023.040403 | Downloads: 5 | Views: 626


Yinghui Song 1, Naiping Wang 1, Weidi Liu 1, Hui Zhang 1


1 Dongguan Hospital of Chinese Medicine, Dongguan, 523000, China

Corresponding Author

Hui Zhang


Objective: To investigate the clinical efficacy and safety of Muzu formula combined with auricular point seed-pressing in treating postpartum abdominal pain. Methods: 100 patients with postpartum abdominal pain admitted to our hospital from January 2021 to December 2022 were selected and divided into a control and observation group, with 50 patients in each group according to a random number table. The control group was treated with auricular point seed-pressing, and the observation group was treated with traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) foot baths combined with auricular point seed-pressing. The pain questionnaire (SF-MPQ) scores and clinical efficacy of the two groups were compared. Results: Compared with the control group, the SF-MPQ score of the observation group was significantly decreased after treatment (P<0.05, P<0.01), and the effective clinical rate was significantly increased (P<0.05). Compared with before treatment, SF-MPQ scores in both groups were significantly decreased after treatment (P<0.01). Conclusion: The treatment of postpartum abdominal pain caused by qi stagnation and blood stasis with Muzu formula combined with auricular point seed-pressing can significantly improve the patient's clinical symptoms, and the curative effect is satisfactory and worthy of further promotion and application in the clinic.


Traditional Chinese medicine; Postpartum abdominal pain; Muzu Formula; Auricular point seed-pressing


Yinghui Song, Naiping Wang, Weidi Liu, Hui Zhang, Clinical Observation on the Treatment of Postpartum Abdominal Pain of Qi Stagnation and Blood Stasis with Muzu Formula Combined with Auricular Point Seed-Pressing. MEDS Clinical Medicine (2023) Vol. 4: 15-22. DOI:


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