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Research on Management of Special Construction Scheme Based on BIM Technology

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DOI: 10.23977/ieim.2023.060409 | Downloads: 8 | Views: 761


Zheng Li 1, Yudong Han 1


1 University of Science and Technology Liaoning, Anshan, 114000 Liaoning, China

Corresponding Author

Yudong Han


At present, the mushroom growth of social economy and technology has provided a good development opportunity for the construction industry. The construction industry has also made rapid progress, and the construction scale of construction projects is also continuously expanding. With the mushroom growth of China's social economy and technology, people's living standards and quality of life are also continuously improving. Architecture has a close relationship with people's real life. In the new era and social situation, people's requirements for building quality are also increasingly high. In recent years, with the mushroom growth of information technology, BIM technology has emerged as the times require, and has been widely valued and applied in the construction industry. It can not only improve the effectiveness of project management, but also improve the current situation of management work, with certain application value. The application of BIM technology in construction management (CM) can not only optimize the construction process, but also strengthen construction supervision, providing strong support for the improvement of construction quality and efficiency. BIM technology can provide intuitive and accurate data information for CM personnel, not only improving the efficiency and quality of CM, but also promoting the modernization and intelligence of China's CM. This article describes the characteristics of BIM technology and its application in CM.


BIM technology, Special construction scheme, Management research


Zheng Li, Yudong Han, Research on Management of Special Construction Scheme Based on BIM Technology. Industrial Engineering and Innovation Management (2023) Vol. 6: 59-64. DOI:


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