Study on the Evaluation of the Carrying Capacity of Marine Resources and Environment in Weihai City in China
DOI: 10.23977/pree.2023.040101 | Downloads: 36 | Views: 1412
Xin Zeng 1
1 Southwest University in China, Chongqing, China
Corresponding Author
This paper establishes a marine resources and environment carrying capacity evaluation index system from the socio-economic system, marine resources system and marine environment system for the development of marine economy of Weihai in China, adopts the entropy weight TOPSIS model to quantitatively analyze the marine resources and environment carrying capacity of Weihai from 2011 to 2020, and uses the changes in these ten years as an entry point to analyze the problems in the development of marine resources, environmental protection and sustainable economic development in Weihai in a targeted manner. The model is used as a starting point to analyse the problems in the development of marine resources, environmental protection and sustainable economic development in Weihai, and to propose timely countermeasures and suggestions in the areas of laws and regulations, development and construction, and industrial transformation.
Marine resources and environment carrying capacity; entropy TOPSIS; marine economy; sustainable developmentCITE THIS PAPER
Xin Zeng, Study on the Evaluation of the Carrying Capacity of Marine Resources and Environment in Weihai City in China. Population, Resources & Environmental Economics (2023) Vol. 4: 1-14. DOI:
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