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Batch optimization of rectangular parts

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DOI: 10.23977/ieim.2023.060402 | Downloads: 6 | Views: 717


Yuan Xiqin 1


1 College of Science, Inner Mongolia University of Technology, Hohhot, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, 010051, China

Corresponding Author

Yuan Xiqin


In the field of modern industry, cutting material for industrial manufacturing essential basic process. In recent years, in order to meet the needs of national industrial development, the research on cutting has made rapid progress. Due to the different demands of different orders in the process of product production, and the cutting and cutting need to meet the constraints of "simultaneous cutting". Aiming at the common batch optimization problem of square parts, this paper mainly focuses on the two-dimensional three-stage shearing and cutting problem, aiming to minimize the use of original pieces and the lowest utilization rate of original pieces. By using genetic algorithm, product items or strip arrangement schemes are numbered to form chromosomes. Secondly, by initializing the population, evaluating the fitness of individuals in the population, selecting, crossing and other steps, Select the best layout solution. Finally, through the utilization rate of the original sheet, it is proved that the method proposed in this paper can effectively solve the typesetting problem of square parts, improve the utilization rate of raw materials, and improve the production flexibility to a certain extent.


Square parts; Cutting and blanking; Typesetting method; Genetic algorithm; Linear programming algorithm


Yuan Xiqin, Batch optimization of rectangular parts. Industrial Engineering and Innovation Management (2023) Vol. 6: 10-20. DOI:


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