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Research on the Influencing Factors of Green Quality Management System Resilience Formation in Manufacturing Enterprises

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DOI: 10.23977/msom.2023.040206 | Downloads: 9 | Views: 555


Mengdan Wang 1, Qiang Liu 1, Jia Pu 1, Ming Liu 1


1 School of Economics and Management, Liaoning University of Technology, Jinzhou, Liaoning, 121001, China

Corresponding Author

Jia Pu


The concept of sustainable development inevitably affects business operations and future development, and the green development of a company means that corporate development should be aligned with environmental development goals. In the current environment, manufacturing enterprises should be committed to developing resilience while developing green in order to facilitate coping with the complex and changing environment. In this paper, we analyze the factors affecting the formation of resilience of green quality management system in manufacturing enterprises from two aspects: internal organizational structure and external policy environment.


Manufacturing companies, green quality management system, resilience, influencing factors


Mengdan Wang, Qiang Liu, Jia Pu, Ming Liu, Research on the Influencing Factors of Green Quality Management System Resilience Formation in Manufacturing Enterprises. Manufacturing and Service Operations Management (2023) Vol. 4: 42-47. DOI:


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