The Creation of Formal Ontology Multiple Structure Theory—Research on the nature of literature art and social practice
DOI: 10.23977/jsoce.2020.020108 | Downloads: 5 | Views: 2108
Jiyong Yang 1
1 School of Arts, Anhui Polytechnic University, Wuhu China 241000
Corresponding Author
In order to investigate the different views of formal philosophy and aesthetics at home and abroad,and to find basic laws from them,a multiple structure on the meaning of formal ontology was created,and several levels were relatively divided within the structure to try to unify And correspond to the forms in all theories;from this,we can prove the uniqueness of the forms at each level,the dynamics and interdependence between the levels;the transcendental forms are the manifestation of the human spiritual movement track and have distinctive features.The forward-looking and aesthetic value.And found that individual emotions can enter the common art field of mankind only after formalization,the evolving relationship between form and content,and practical significance.
form, multiple structures of form, aesthetic form, art for artCITE THIS PAPER
Jiyong Yang, The Creation of Formal Ontology Multiple Structure Theory—Research on the nature of literature art and social practice. Journal of Sociology and Ethnology (2020) 2: 32-36. DOI:
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