Application of 3D Digital Technology in Animation Design of Digital Media
DOI: 10.23977/artpl.2023.040213 | Downloads: 172 | Views: 1667
Wu Jian 1
1 Guangzhou International Economics College, Guangzhou, 510540, China
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3D digital technology is widely applied in animation design of digital media. The combination of 3D digital technology and animation design makes the form of animation design more diversified and further improves the efficiency of animation production. Based on the relevant connotation of 3D digital technology, this paper analyzes the influence of 3D digital technology in animation design of digital media, and introduces.
3D digital technology; Digital media; Art; Animation design; ApplicationCITE THIS PAPER
Wu Jian, Application of 3D Digital Technology in Animation Design of Digital Media. Art and Performance Letters (2023) Vol. 4: 73-76. DOI:
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