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Research of Cherts in Longjiayuan Formation of Mesoproterozoic

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DOI: 10.23977/erej.2023.070205 | Downloads: 22 | Views: 870


Wang Xin 1


1 Insitiute of Resources and Environment, Henan Polytechnic University, Jiaozuo, China

Corresponding Author

Wang Xin


The Longjiayuan Formation of the Mesoproterozoic Guandaokou Group in the southern margin of North China Craton is widely developed layered, banded and massive cherts, which are good materials for studying the deep time climate and marine environment in the early Mesoproterozoic. By means of field profile measurement, petrological analysis and geochemical analysis, the cherts in Longjiayuan Formation were studied. The results show that the cherts are evenly distributed in the section, and can be divided into layered-bended cherts, deformed layered cherts, nodule-crumby cherts and chrysanthemum cherts. Siliceous components have two sources of hydrothermal and Ocean dissolved silicon (DSi). Cherts are formed by biochemical deposition accompanied by low temperature metasomatism, and experienced three stages: sedimentary stage, early diagenesis stage and diagenesis stage. During the deposition stage, the siliceous components in seawater are mainly deposited in the form of siliceous gel; in the early diagenesis stage, unconsolidated siliceous sediments accumulate in low-lying areas under the action of gravity, and form some storm-derived cherts under the action of external forces such as storms. During the diagenetic stage, siliceous sediments are gradually consolidated by diagenetic compaction. Layered cherts are formed at gentle terrains and agglomerated cherts are formed at low-lying areas. This study provides evidence for further restoration of ancient oceans and paleogeographic information during this period. 


Western Henan; Mesoproterozoic; Chert; Silicon Source; Silicalite Origin


Wang Xin, Research of Cherts in Longjiayuan Formation of Mesoproterozoic. Environment, Resource and Ecology Journal (2023) Vol. 7: 27-30. DOI:


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