Revascularization of an Immature Permanent Tooth with Periapical Periodontitis: A Case Report
DOI: 10.23977/medsc.2023.040111 | Downloads: 66 | Views: 1647
Huimin Li 1, Yingxuan Teng 2, Siqi Xia 2, Wenxinyu Huang 2, Peiran Yang 2, Jie Wu 2, Shuhua Wang 2
1 School of Stomatology, Zhejiang Chinese Medical University, Xiaoshan Campus of Hangzhou Dental Hospital, Hangzhou, Zhejiang, 311202, China
2 School/Hospiital of Stomatology, Zhejiang Chinese Medical University, Hangzhou, Zhejiang, 310053, China
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To prove pulp revascularization is a valuable dental treatment technique for immature but necrotic teeth and allows continuous root development. This report describes a successful case of revascularization in the treatment of first maxillary premolars with severe apical periodontitis. Installed rubber barrier under local anesthesia. After entering the pulp cavity, the root canal was rinsed with 1% sodium hypochlorite, 17% EDTA and physical saline. A scaffold was created by inducing the formation of a blood clot within the canal. Then we inserted MTA into the root canal and sealed it with glass ionomer material temporarily. Finally, temporary sealing material was removed and resin filling repair was carried out. During the follow-up period of 10 months after the operation, the teeth were asymptomatic, the clinical examination showed good recovery, and the imaging examination showed that the root was well-developed and had normal function. This case adds evidence for the effectiveness and clinical potential of revascularization in the treatment of young permanent teeth with pulp necrosis. MTA is a reliable and effective material in dental pulp treatment in children.
Pulp revascularization, Immature permanent tooth, Periapical periodontitis, MTACITE THIS PAPER
Huimin Li, Yingxuan Teng, Siqi Xia, Wenxinyu Huang, Peiran Yang, Jie Wu, Shuhua Wang, Revascularization of an Immature Permanent Tooth with Periapical Periodontitis: A Case Report. MEDS Clinical Medicine (2023) Vol. 4: 65-71. DOI:
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